These formulas are for a estimate only. If you like to play with numbers these tools can be a major help in starting a new boat building project.
Please keep in mind you can plug any number you like into the fields. It doesn't mean that it will work! You have to have a basic understanding of the limits of your parts.
For example, 300gram 2000kv Motor will spin a 45mm prop just fine in most 25-30" racing hulls on 14 volts. But that same motor will burn up itself or the esc in a 50" boat.
Its pretty simple to use the formulas. Anywhere there is the "field" shaded yellow, change the value to a numeric / number value. Any letters or spaces in the field will cause a error in the formula.
One of the formula's I have particular interest in is the "Estimate the top speed of a prop". Its amazing to see how much speed our hulls and props are wasting.
Click anywhere out of the field for calculation. |

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